
Monday, August 23, 2010

Remedies.... !!


BeAuTy SeCrEts FrOm tHe KiTcHeN..!!

Some  easy-to-implement body care tips.

1.Watermelon juice clears the skin of all its blemishes leaving it fresh and lovely. Grate a watermelon, squeeze out the juice and apply it on your face for 15 minutes. Now wash it with hot water and then... splash on cold water.
2. Fenugreek leaves (methi) cure pimples, blackheads, dryness and early appearance of wrinkles. Make a paste of these leaves and apply it every night. Next morning, wash off with warm water. This improves your complexion.
3. Tea leaves and lemon juice helps prevent hair fall. They also lead to soft and shiny hair. You need to boil the leaves in water and strain out the tea. Add a little lemon juice to this concoction and wash your hair with it. Rinse your hair thoroughly.
4. Bengal gram flour (besan) mixed with curd can be applied daily on your face and hair! It will not only give you a glowing complexion, but also long and lustrous locks.
5. Orange juice is great for an instant glow. All you need to do is dip your fingers in the juice and pat your cheeks, chin, neck and forehead. Wash off after ten minutes.
Your kitchen shelf has been secretly storing all these beauty secrets for years. It is up to you to discover more. And when you do, don't forget to share them with us!

SkIn CArE SEcRets..!!

Skin care secrets

Did you know that there's a beauty parlour hiding in your kitchen?

Working women have it tough. In between rushing to work and back, juggling car pools, co-ordinating with baby sitters, cooking and house-keeping, they scarcely have time to take a... deep breath. As far as visits to the beauty parlour are concerned, they are at the bottom of the priority ladder! But fear not, help is at hand.

Take a look around your kitchen shelf. You'll be surprised at what you find. Did you know that tomato and lime are excellent bleaching agents? And this is just the tip of the 'ice' berg. Find out more as you read on.

1. Unboiled milk is an excellent cleanser. Dip a piece of cotton wool in a little cold milk and rub it gently on your face. You will see a lot of dirt on the cotton. Keep cleaning your face in a circular upward movement until the cotton comes out completely clean.

2. Ice-cold water is an excellent astringent and skin freshener and serves to close the pores that have opened while cleansing. It also tones the skin.

3.Cream or 'malai' is a very good moisturizer and it needs to be applied to replace the oils that are lost while cleansing and toning. It will keep your skin supple and young.

4. Equal quantities of corn flour, jowar flour (atta) and cream (malai) can give you an instant facelift. You need to make a paste and apply it on your face. Wash it off after it dries. While jowar atta will remove the dead cells, corn flour will tone up and tighten the skin and the cream will moisturize it.

5. Cabbage juice mixed with a little yeast and a tablespoon of honey is an excellent remedy for dry skin. Leave a thick paste on your face for about 15 minutes for best results.

6. Lettuce juice mixed with an equal quantity of rose water and a few drops of limejuice is an excellent remedy for oily skin. It should be applied for at least 30 minutes for best results.

TaKiNg CarE Of Ur NEcK..!!

When talking about cosmetics and beauty treatment, one tends to focus on the face, hair, hands and feet. We tend to believe that if these parts are well-groomed, miscellaneous body parts like the neck, shoulders, arms and elbows can be swept under th...e carpet like so much dust. But like so many other things in life, it's the little things that count. What's the point of having a perfectly made-up face if the skin on your neck is loose and mottled? Hairy arms, black elbows and drooping posture can ruin the effect of the sexiest little halter. So let's take a look at how to take care of your neck, shoulders, arms and elbows so that they don't let you down.

Your Neck

The first thing to do is to stop thinking that your face stops at your chin. Think of your neck as an extension of your face. Whenever you wash your face, wash your neck too. If you use a foundation or a loose powder on your face, remember to apply it to your neck or there will be an unsightly colour difference between your face and your neck. Use upward strokes to apply a nourishing cream on your neck and throat every night.

In order to avoid flabby neck muscles or a double chin, hold your head high with your chin up and slightly forward.

Home Remedies

There are some home remedies to whiten and soften the skin on your neck. You can make a skin tonic by mixing 3 teaspoons of borax powder, 2 tablespoons of glycerine and 2 cups of rose water. You can also apply this tonic on your arms and shoulders. We also have a recipe for an overnight cream for the neck, throat and shoulders. Mix equal parts of lanolin and butter. Beat them thoroughly in a double saucepan over boiling water. Rub this cream over your neck and shoulders in upward motions. Leave it on overnight and wash it in the morning.

Simple Exercises

Here are a few simple exercises that can help you tighten those neck muscles. Breathe slowly and bring your neck down to rest on the chest. Then raise your head slowly and bend it backwards as far as you can. Another exercise is to breathe deeply and turn your neck on your left side as far as you can without moving your shoulders and body. Repeat these exercises atleast ten times daily.

FoR Dark cIrClEs..!!

First of all, try and figure out the reason you have developed dark circles. Have you always had them Are they a recent occurrence Does your mother have dark circles under the eyes as well Once you can pinpoint the cause for dark circles, it would be... much easier for you to get rid of them.

1. Are you allergic to something If yes, work on avoiding the allergens.

2. Apply Vitamin E to the area under your eye. You could open up a Vitamin E capsule, and apply a little oil. Swallow the rest of the oil. This not only helps you get rid of dark circles, but also reduces puffiness around the eyes. In addition, regular application of Vitamin E delays the onset of wrinkles.

3. Apply creams that contain Vitamin C.

4. Inverted asana postures work wonders for dark circles. Try doing the sarvangasana everyday. Often dark circles and under-eye puffiness is caused due to sinusitis. Jal Neti is extremely beneficial in such cases, as it internally cleanses your entire facial region, rejuvenating it. Do the Jal Neti at least five times a week to clean out your entire nasal passage.

5. Swallow a capsule of cod liver oil everyday. It strengthens eyes.

6. Take a teaspoon of tomato juice, a few drops of lemon juice, a pinch of turmeric powder and a little flour, enough to make a paste. Apply this paste to the under-eye area, and wash off after fifteen minutes.

7. Drink at least ten glasses of water everyday. There is no stressing this enough. If you do not drink at least eight glasses of water everyday, you are not providing your body with as much water as it requires for flushing out toxins. Do not wait until you are thirsty before drinking up. By the time your body cries I'm thirsty!, you are already severely dehydrated.

8. Avoid stepping out in the sun, especially between noon to four, when the sun is at its strongest. Wear sunglasses to protect your eyes, and the delicate skin around it, from the harmful effects of UV radiation.

9. Apply a cold, used tea bag to your eyes. You could also applied used, cold, herbal tea leaves to your eyes, to sooth them.

10. Apply a concealer to the area under your eyes, to hide dark circles. Use a colour that is every so slightly lighter than the shade of your skin. Apply the concealer gently; do not stretch or pull the skin from this delicate area.

11. Lie down, close your eyes and apply cucumber or potato slices to your lids. Leave on for ten minutes and remove. Wash the area with cold water. This soothes tired eyes instantly, and helps boost blood circulation in the under-eye area.

12. Try out dark circle remover creams available in the market. Make sure they are of a recognized brand before applying them to your face.

FoR PReVeNtInG HaIr Fall..!!

1. Apply almond oil on scalp and massage. 

2. Grind fenugreek seeds in water and apply on your scalp. Wash off after 40 minutes. Do this every morning for a month ¡V if it suits you! Remember, different treatments suit different types of hair. 

3. Massage warm castor oil + almond oil into your scalp gently. Wrap a hot towel around your scalp so it gets absorbed into the hair. Do this twice a week for healthy, shiny hair. 

4. Add 2-3 drops of honey to a glass of water and use this as the last rinse after shampooing.

MaKe up TrEnDs - WaTs in n WaTx OuT..!!

When it comes to makeup and beauty this season, the word is simplicity. Even though the season's fashion trends include plenty of glamour, beauty trends are simple: Hair is soft, flowing and natural rather than ultra-styled. Makeup is less fussy. Here are the trends that are in this season.

In: Naturally shaped brows. They are the in thing this season. Since this season simplicity is the key word, therefore brows that aren't overly tweezed or severely shaped are in demand.

Out: Outrageously arched brows. Brows that are exaggeratedly shaped or overly filled in can appear pretentious.


In: Lighter lashes. This season go a bit easy on the lashes. One good sheer coat of black or brown mascara is all you'll need. It's just not about excess this season.

Out: Tons of mascara. It'll be back, but for now, keep it simple and elegant.


In: Cherry red lips. A sheer, cherry red lip color looks terrific on everyone.

Out: Bold pink lips: Hot pink seems too young to pull off fall's more adult style.


In: Letting freckles show. This season put away your foundation and use only the sheerest lightly tinted moisturizer to even your skin tone.

Out: Covering up. Hiding your pretty skin goes against everything sincere!


In: Deep chocolate nail polish. Nails make a strong statement this fall, so go for deep-toned polish, such as chocolate browns and deep burgundies.
Out: Plain old pink.


:a: :b: :c: :d: :e: :f: :g: :h: :i: :j: :k: :l: :m: :n:

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